Small Gods

In a realm untouched by time, Eve meandered amidst the verdant allure of Eden. The serpent, a transient whisperer, beguiled her towards the forbidden tree where The Fruit Thereof hung like gems of ancient knowledge. With a trembling hand, she picked the forbidden fruit, its taste a melody of lost innocence that wove reality anew. As the naivety dissipated, she beheld the world with eyes unclouded yet laden with profound knowing. With delicate hands, she sewed fig leaves, concealing the newfound awareness, as the garden's gentle breezes carried the echoes of a bygone innocence.

To brew this fresh and floral Saison we paired with our mates at Sailor’s Grave in the deep sou’east of Australia. A blend of Spelt, Wheat and Pilsner malts provides a fluffy and light malt base for a herbal and citrussy hop profile featuring Saaz, Cashmere and Sabro. After a warm ferment on Sailor’s Grave’s house yeast culture we loaded the fermenter with a fresh harvest of locally grown fig leaves to add a complex and aromatic coconut flavour. Carbonated to a spritzy finish this delightful saison is complex and light with bags of character.